Chatham Manor Engagement Session


We had to reschedule a few times to evade rain and bad weather, but it was oh, so worth it!  Despite it being towards the end of November, we were pleasantly surprised by how many beautiful leaves were still on the trees.  It seems as though the sun sets quicker in the late fall and winter, so I always feel like I need to hustle to get my favorite lighting.  I wound up loving the progression of light throughout this shoot--from the gorgeous "golden hour" to the quiet "blue hour" just before sunset.

GloriaAnn and Matt were fantastic to work with!  They were adorable, very easy going, and kept me laughing the entire time. :)  Also...can we take a moment to appreciate how gorgeous this ring is?!  I was absolutely stunned by the unique and intricate designs along the band.  Matt certainly has good taste!